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What's New In Torque

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Once a month, we'll share a quick summary of what's new in Torque and the competition wikis. These messages will take no more than five minutes to read and will offer links to additional information when relevant. In addition, beginning December 13, we'll be offering Office Hours every Monday afternoon where you can join Jim McGowan (and/or someone from the Open Tech Strategies team) online to ask questions and see demos of new features. So, here's what new in Torque:

This Email Message This is the first What's New in Torque update. Each update will be posted in the Torque Help wiki.

Torque User Groups The number of Torque user groups has been simplified to eight and every user (there are 178 of us, currently) is now assigned to a single group (many had three or even four previously). Click here to see the naming and capabilities of the users groups.

Stronger Democracy Maps Starting with the Stronger Democracy Award, interactive maps and visualizations will become a regular part of competition wikis. Here are two new Stronger Democracy maps: Number of Applications by State Organization Locations by Solution Category

Airtable to Torque Data Exchange Data can now move from the Bold Solutions Network Airtable base to Torque. We've started with Achievement Leveldata (Awardee, Finalist, Semifinalist, etc.). Eventually, any time Airtable receives new information, Torque will be updated shortly after ensuring it will always be current.

Search Filters When conducting a search in any wiki (but preferably in Global View), you'll see additional filters you can use to refine your search. We've started simply but more filters like subject area categories and geographies will be added soon.

Torque to Airtable Data Exchange Torque can now push data to Airtable, too! The first effort will be populating the Bold Solutions Network Airtable base with all the data for the Stronger Democracy Award semifinalists. This will eliminate the need to manually cut and paste data from Torque.

Chicago Prize Chicago Prize data has been added to Global View. While you won't see an Okta chiclet for a Chicago Prize wiki, search results in Global View will return relevant Chicago Prize proposals.

Office Hours Beginning Monday, December 6, join Torque experts online to ask questions and learn more about how you can leverage the application to do your work better.

Torque Office Hours Every Monday (except holidays) 3-4PM CT Join Zoom