Do you really want to completely clear your book?


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Revision as of 13:12, 1 December 2022 by Jim McGowan (talk | contribs)
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  • Thing:
    • List
    • List



  • API:
    • Add Charity Navigator, Candid and IRS 990 data to an organizational tab in Global View application pages
    • Supplement Torque with Airtable data
  • Curation and Custom Wikis
    • Search ("Make Search Search"): Remove filters and related features
    • Browse:
      • Using the current Search filters to create a new Browse interface
      • Create a cleaner, more intuitive CSV download interface
      • Develop a data coding plan that supports better browsing
  • Data Sharing
    • Create a data dictionary for data maintained by the following systems:
      • Torque
      • Airtable
      • Salesforce
      • Wagtail/BSN
  • Design
    • Deploy LFC-branded design layout across all wiki pages
  • Global View
    • Refine user experience based on experience from LFC staff
  • MediaWiki Upgrade
    • Upgrade MediaWiki to 1.38.4
    • Resolve book printing
    • Upgrade MediaWiki to 1.39 (November)
    • Define upgrade strategy
  • Seabiscuit:
    • Deploy a support system infrastructure:
      • Ticketing (Zammad)
      • Call routing (Twilio Flex)
    • Redesign the standard wiki template to accommodate new competition format
  • Similar Pages
    • Deploy Similar Pages code and run weekly
    • Create LFC GitHub site and copy Spencer Ferguson Dryden's code to new repos
  • SimpleBook Replacement
    • Portfolio management
  • Submittal Interface
    • Estimate cost of upgrading and deploying Hypha
  • Analytics
    • Investigate Matamo analytics and integrating with MediaWiki
      • This is speculative for Q4, and may get bumped to Q1 2023


  • API
    • Data supplementing:
      • From Candid, Charity Navigator, Giving Tuesday
      • 990 forms (see Pro Publica Non-Profit Data Explorer)
    • Investigate sharing data with MIT Solve
  • Data Sharing
    • Support LfC's effort to define their data sharing policies
  • Design
    • Begin deploying LfC brand standards across new competitions
  • Enhanced Curation: Create features to filter, edit and share curated collections of proposals with donors and partners
    • √ Mock-up an enhanced curation interface for testing by Lever for Change staff
    • Build a curation interface (revising existing Search page) to include:
      • Search
      • Filters
        • Fixed:
          • Top proposals
          • By competition
          • By geography
        • Scalable (Permits user to emphasize the weight of a filter on the returned results)
      • Dynamic updating of returned results
    • Permit further curation of results:
      • Select which elements of a proposal to share stripping out unneeded parts (fields, attachments)
      • Add notes, explanations
    • Share the results as well-packaged units with high production value
      • Miniwikis
      • Books (PDFs)
  • Similar Pages
    • Deploy Spencer's app
    • Allow user to manually link similar pages
  • Submittal Interface
    • Create a demo submittal interface using the Hypha grant management system.
  • User Accounts and Groups
    • Deactivate users no longer requiring access to Torque Repurpose existing user groups to meet LfC's current needs


  • API
    • √ Import competition application data into Torque via the API
  • Stage 2
    • √ Accept and properly display Stage 2 attachments and control visibility
  • Video
    • √ Log and store competition videos
    • √ Develop protocols for storing videos as competitions conclude
  • Universal Template
    • √ Create a universal display template to be used across all competition



  • Donor Deliberation Support
    • Comments
    • Voting
  • Okta (or other ID management)
    • Deploy Lever for Change-managed ID management system
  • Partnerships
    • Wikimedia Foundation partnership